Protest is vital to a free society, but with resistance comes repression.
From the Civil Rights Era to today, Atlanta has strong traditions of dissent. Protest movements play a critical role in the struggle for social justice. But when people stand up for what’s right, they often face the risk of arrest and imprisonment.

“We were doing a protest against police violence. When I got arrested, I wasn’t sure anyone even knew I was in jail. But the Solidarity Fund got me out. I’m happy because I get to be reunited with my family.” – Legend, a prison justice activist
The Antidote to Repression is Solidarity
Getting arrested can be very demoralizing. It can make targets feel isolated, overwhelmed, even abandoned.
By supporting arrestees, we show that nobody in our movements will be left behind. Solidarity builds trust and makes us all feel stronger.What We Do
Resources we provide for protesters experiencing repression.

Jail Support
Experienced volunteers track arrestees through the criminal justice system, helping to ensure that their rights are respected.

As funds allow, the Solidarity Fund provides cash to get arrestees released from jail as soon as possible1.

Access to Representation
We work with arrestees to help them get access to a lawyer, and assist them in navigating the legal system.
1 The Atlanta Solidarity Fund provides assistance for arrestees who are unable to pay bail or other expenses through their own resources of those of their family and friends.